Tuesday, July 19, 2011

H & J Mini Shoot

The other afternoon I took my two youngest grand kids for a mini photo shoot. I was hoping to get a shot of them in the window egress of an old building like this one of my oldest grandson.

I tried coaxing both of them to sit on the grates within the window but it was a no go, neither would even step on the grates. So we continued down the sidewalk till we came to the corner of the same old building and I saw a window without drain grates. I was able to bribe H to let me snap a few shots of her but still couldn't get J to go anywhere near the small window.

Doorways and windows of old or unique buildings can make an interesting setting for portrait shots. This window belongs to the historic Federal Courthouse in downtown Sioux Falls. Adjacent to the court house is a small courtyard where I was finally able to get both children to stand in the window alcoves, after I had removed all cobwebs of course.

The quiet courtyard made for a nice setting to get a few more shots.
At the Front of the building just before going into the courtyard

 Still trying to get use to my new camera, these courtyard photos will need some lighting adjustments.

  Continuing on our down town walk we came to a corner with a soccer statue. Little J loved the statue so of course we needed a shot of him in front of the statue.
The day was very hot and little H overheats very easy with that in mind I had already decided to photograph both kids at the fountain and let them get wet. But when we got there little J sat on the bench and would go no where near the fountain.
"No thanks, I'll sit here Grandma"

"OOOOHHHH! look at that"
Little J's sister was not so shy about getting wet. In fact she loved the idea and had a blast.

All in all it was a good mini shoot and I found a few new places to do portrait shots.