Last week I decided it was time to upgrade from my Power Shot S3 IS. I purchased a Canon Rebel T3. I am so excited to once again be able to shoot fully manual. My Nikon died back in 2000 and was replaced by a point and shoot digital. Then I got the Power Shot and was once again able to have some creative control yet it wasn't the same. Although I am excited to have the creative control back I almost feel like a total beginner all over again. It is amazing how much you forget when you let the camera do most of the work for you.
Here are a few shots from my practice run at Arrowhead Park the other day. They are a bit darker and not as vivid as I wanted, but with time I am sure I will remember all I have forgotten and learn new techniques as well.
Arrowhead Park is a water fowl refuge, and as you can see the birds are not shy at all. I felt so sorry for this poor guy.
I still need to get a good macro lens and a stronger zoom lens for my new camera so I did take a few shots using my old camera. These last two shots are my favorites taken with the PowerShot.