Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Red Red and More RED!

Generally I find photography prompts a lot of fun. Sometimes though they can be very challenging. The other day I came across a blog where the photography prompt was photographing something red from a number of different angles. It sounded fun and not all that difficult so yesterday I went in search of RED to photograph.
Sure there are many of the typical red objects in Sioux Falls. Flowers, fire hydrants, red brick buildings and of course don't forget stop lights or signs. However, I prefer the unusual to the ordinary. After a long day of watching for unusual red I had pretty much given up.

Just after sunset I headed down town hoping to capture silhouettes of swing dancers at Fawick Park. When I got there though the park was empty. Either the event was canceled or maybe no one but me thought it was a fun idea. Not wanting to go home without having photographed something of interest, I headed for Philips Avenue to see if maybe there was something red in a shop window. To my dismay the only red in the shop windows were the Open or Closed signs. Just as I was about to give up I saw this sign. While it is not all that unusual it had appeal.
I realized it was going to be a bit tricky to get the red lights in the neon sign to show and still keep the image light enough to see the rest of the scene. By this time it was fairly dark out, so after some adjustments I was able to capture a more natural light image. They are bit dark but at least they didn't totally lose the red lighting.
Then I remembered that in the next block the little retro style diner had red in their sign, so I headed over there and got these shots.

Once again lighting was a challenge and the red of the letters didn't show up very well. I do like the fact though that the red lights created a nice red glow on the front of the building.
Although I was not totally satisfied with meeting this prompt I thought I was done hunting for red when today I drove past this house and couldn't resist.
 I really love the combination of the white house with red trim and red roses. Yet now that I found a somewhat unique red, I have lost the link to the prompt. LOL, yes I know I should have saved the link or made a mental note of who's blog I saw it on but I didn't and so I am sorry to say I can't guide you in the direction of more RED photos. Do you know who is hosting a RED photo prompt?