Sunday, August 28, 2011

Silhouettes part 2

Still on a mission to create a cool looking silhouette I headed down town to see the 'open air painters'. I thought that would make a really cool silhouette. Sad to say though I couldn't find a single one, not sure what happened to them but they were no where to be found. So here is what I got instead.
Then I headed over to the Japanese Gardens. I have to admit, because of it's popularity with couples in love I was hoping to get a nice silhouette of a couple but I guess it wasn't the right day for that either. It was however a very beautiful day in a very beautiful setting, so I opted for a silhouette of the trees and got a nice reflection with it.
The whole time I was thinking if someone was just standing there or there it would make a great shot. Of course I thought hey I could do self portrait shots but I don't have a remote shutter release. So instead I settled for a close up self portrait silhouette.

Purchasing a remote shutter release for my camera is now at the top of my must have accessories list. I really enjoyed creating these SOOC silhouettes, I hope you enjoy viewing them. For more interesting and creative silhouettes check out the 52 Photos Project Week 18.