Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dramatic South Dakota Skies

I am pulling from my archives for today's Friday Skywatch photos.

 October Sky
I can never resist a game of hide and seek with the sun.
November Skies
I loved how the ranch and hills were all aglow with the late afternoon sun coming from the clearer skies to the southwest but the storm clouds filled the sky to the north and northwest.
This photo was taken only a few minutes after the photo above but the road had turned slightly to the north and the photo is facing more easterly.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!
Share the sky watching love by visiting and sharing your sky photos with Skywatch Friday.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful shots, especially the second.

Joyful said...

Those are dramatic skies and lovely scenery too!

Amy said...

Lovely scenery!

Anonymous said...

loved them all but especially the third. something about that one really grabbed me.

Photo Cache said...

very pretty, all of them.

William Kendall said...

Magnificent, brooding skies!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sky shots.

TexWisGirl said...

love the 2nd one!